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Infographic: Why Probiotics?

Supplements featuring probiotics are great for improving gut health and digestion.* Find out more about the benefits of adding probiotics to your supplement routine in the infographic below.*

infographic titled Why Take Probiotics.


Probiotics serve a number of important roles in the body, particularly for digestion and digestive health, but they’re not found in a wide variety of foods, so supplementation is a great way to ensure you’re supplying your body with a healthy helping of probiotics for health.*

What does that mean? Basically, it makes your gut feel good.*

Oh So Powerful! Probiotics Support:

  • Healthy Digestion*
  • Healthy Intestinal Flora*
  • Positive Probiotic Balance*
  • Immune System*
  • Special Formulas for Women, Skin & Oral Health*

Did You Know?

Our bodies are home to beneficial bacteria, referred to as probiotics, which live both inside and outside of our bodies.

  • Outside, the majority of bacteria are found on our skin.
  • Inside, the bulk of beneficial bacteria reside in our intestinal tract, also referred to as the human gut.

TIP: Refrigeration after opening is ideal for storing probiotics.

Importance of Identity, Potency & Purity

NOW utilizes some of the most advanced instrumentation available today for the analysis of probiotics.

Our RiboPrinter® is an automated molecular analysis instrument that allows our technicians to guarantee the identity, potency, and purity of the bacterial strains used in NOW probiotic products.

Probiotic Food Sources

Yogurt, Sauerkraut, Tempeh, Kimchi, Miso, Kombucha, Pickles, Natto


Not Getting Enough? Bridge the Gap with Supplements

Probiotic-10 25 Billion Veg Capsules

10 Probiotic Strains

Clinically Validated Strains*


Saccharomyces Boulardii Veg Capsules

For Occasional Diarrhea*

Supports a Healthy Balance of Intestinal Flora*

Useful When Traveling*


Acidophilus Two Billion Veg Capsules

Promotes Positive Probiotic Balance*


OralBiotic Lozenges

Helps Maintain Fresh Breath*

For Children and Adults*





NOW offers the highest quality probiotics

available to empower your wellness routine.*


NOW supplements meet the highest

standards for quality, purity, and potency at

a price point that you can feel good about.


Talk to your healthcare provider or a certified nutritionist to find the best combination of

supplements for you.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.